Unique content creation and long tail keyword searches

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What is unique content?

Every web page worth its salt needs content. Content is the reason a viewer will come to your site and look at your pages. Content can be in many forms, from videos and images, games and downloads, to text and information.

From an SEO or search engine optimisation perspective, content means keyword rich and unique text. If possible your text should be specifically written for your site. Following your keyword research you should have a list of 'long tail' topics or page titles or themes that you must target. Ideally you should write a page of content, an article, consisting of a few hundred words focusing on your topic or theme for each of your keyword phrases. Aim to write a new web page each day, or at the very least one new page per week. Before you realise you will have many pages of keyword rich content targeting all sorts of long tail keyword searches on your subject. Search engines will readily index your new content and keep coming back regularly for more. You will naturally find other webmasters will link to your content and bloggers will mention your pages if you are doing a good job of writing the pages.

How many times should I use my keywords in my text?

By default your page text will automatically contain your keywords. It is difficult to write about your subject without mentioning your keywords. You should aim to spread your keywords throughout the page, without cramming it. Keyword stuffing can be worse than omitting the keywords. Do not worry too much about the exact number of times the words appear on the page however. Write naturally for the human reader, and the page will be search engine friendly.

Should I use the exact keyword phrase?

Always write for your human readers rather than the search engine spiders. Ideally you should mix your keyword phrases throughout the text. Write the exact keyword phrase several times within the text, and spread the other words from the phrase around naturally. The context in which the words appear will weight the importance of your keywords. If your page is about 'carriage clock repairs' for example, use this phrase intact in a couple of places, but also mention 'carriage clocks', 'clock repairing', 'clocks', 'repairs' etc. throughout the text. You should find this happens naturally, but if you get to the end of the article and feel you have not used the keywords in sufficient numbers, you can always re-write the article to include more. Do not be afraid of changing the article and re-writing it if you think you can improve it. To coin a phrase, good writing in not written, it is re-written.

Ensure you cover all possible combinations of keyword phrases. For example a Google search for the phrase 'Liverpool SEO' returns a different set of results than the same phrase reversed as 'SEO Liverpool'. Therefore you must create a page of text to target both of these key phrase variations.

Keyword highlighting with strong tags.

Once you are happy with your text, and you are ready to upload the page, make sure you highlight the keywords on the page by making them bold. More specifically use 'strong' tags rather than 'b' for bold tags, even though they have the same visual effect. Search engines will read strong tags as more important than the surrounding text, and more important than basic bold tags.

Strong tags, and their sister emphasis or 'em' tags which make the words italic, are known as contextual tags. Contextual tags tell the browser 'these words are important' so alter they way they look, rather than just saying make these words bold or make these words italic.

After your page is showing in the Google search results, you will see for yourself the strongly tagged words being shown in Google's 'snippet' of your page content. If you would like an example of how this is done, look at the source code for this page. You will notice the keywords are highlighted in this way.

Additional keyword factors.

Please also follow the other instructions on our site about how to use your keywords on-page, including: keyword rich URLs, page titles, header tags, image alt description tags and possible the most important aspect of any web page, a keyword rich anchor text link to that page.

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